Surgically Facilitate Orthodontic Treatment

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Surgically Facilitated Orthodontics: Enhancing Orthodontic Treatment Outcomes

Surgically facilitated orthodontics, also known as accelerated orthodontics or periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics (PAOO), is an innovative approach that combines orthodontic treatment with minor surgical procedures. This technique aims to accelerate the movement of teeth, reduce treatment time, and improve the overall outcome of orthodontic treatment.

One of the primary benefits of surgically facilitated orthodontics is the significant reduction in treatment time. By stimulating the bone's healing response, teeth can move more rapidly and efficiently, resulting in a shorter overall treatment duration.

The controlled injuries to the bone during the surgical phase of treatment enhance the predictability of tooth movement. This can lead to more precise and consistent results, ensuring that the teeth are properly aligned at the end of treatment.

Surgically facilitated orthodontics can also improve the quality and density of the bone surrounding the teeth. This can be particularly beneficial in cases where there is insufficient bone support for orthodontic movement.
At our practice, we utilize advanced techniques and technology to ensure precise and effective surgically facilitated orthodontics. This includes the use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging to carefully plan the surgical procedure and orthodontic treatment. We use Piezosurgery to minimize trauma and improve bone healing Additionally, we may incorporate technologies such as piezoelectric surgery, which uses ultrasonic vibrations for precise and minimally invasive bone surgery.

Surgically facilitated orthodontics offers a promising option for patients seeking to achieve their desired smile in a shorter amount of time. If you are considering orthodontic treatment and are interested in expediting the process, surgically facilitated orthodontics may be an excellent option for you. Schedule a consultation with our team to discuss your treatment goals and determine if this innovative approach is right for you.




We Create Beautiful Smiles

Dr. Whetman specializes in state-of-the-art techniques to restore healthy gum & bone tissue including dental implants, periodontal therapies to treat gum disease, aesthetic crown lengthening, tooth extraction, frenectomy, gum grafting, bone grafting, pathology, and sedation. We look forward to making you smile about your smile.