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Orthodontic Uncovery/Tooth Exposure

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Arizona orthodontic care

Orthodontic Uncovery/Tooth Exposure Overview: 

Orthodontic tooth uncovery, also known as exposure and bonding of a chain, is a procedure commonly performed to bring an impacted tooth into its proper position in the dental arch. An impacted tooth is one that fails to erupt fully into its designated position due to being blocked by other teeth, bone, or soft tissue.
Once the tooth is exposed and a chain bonded, your orthodontist will apply force to the chain to move the tooth and closely monitor the progress of the impacted tooth's movement. Regular check-ups and adjustments are necessary to ensure that the tooth is responding appropriately to the orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontic tooth uncovery and bonding of a chain is a well-established and effective method for bringing impacted teeth into alignment. This procedure allows for precise control and guidance of tooth movement, ultimately resulting in a properly aligned and functional dental arch.

If you have an impacted tooth that requires uncovery, your orthodontist will work closely with an oral surgeon or periodontist to coordinate the surgical and orthodontic aspects of your treatment. By following the recommended treatment plan and attending regular appointments, you can achieve a straighter, healthier smile with improved dental function and aesthetics.




We Create Beautiful Smiles

Dr. Whetman specializes in state-of-the-art techniques to restore healthy gum & bone tissue including dental implants, periodontal therapies to treat gum disease, aesthetic crown lengthening, tooth extraction, frenectomy, gum grafting, bone grafting, pathology, and sedation. We look forward to making you smile about your smile.